Friday, February 29, 2008

Last for a Week

Finally, just hours away from spring break. I'm not even excited like I thought I would be. I still have work that I have to get done. I feel like I won't even enjoy my break because in the back of my mind I know that I have a 2 test the week that we get back. That is not a good thing to have on your mind. I will be okay though. More than likely I will try to do a little studying at a time so that it won't all pile up on me. I am glad that I won't have to blog over the break. If I did, that would add a lot of unwanted stress on my shoulders. Campus has been so quiet today. I only had one class but when I was walking to it, there wasn't many people walking around like it usually is. I was surprised, but then again, I shouldn't be. Most people, I am sure, decided not to go to class today because it is the last before spring break. I did not have a choice to not go to class since my teacher gave us a quiz and passed out the test review. Of course I am not dumb enough to miss all of that.

My Yesterday

Yesterday was a pretty full day for me. I had four classes. The first one started at eight, and the last one ended at 2:25. Then I had to be at work at 2:30. I got off at 4:30. (I love the 2 hours) Then I went to my dorm, and got something to eat. I think I took a ten minute nap before my roommate and I went to the Lady Tigers' basketball game. There were more people there than I thought. It was actually a really good game. Most people say that our girls are not good, but form the way they were playing last night, they didn't look bad to me. I don't like how the boys get their games in the huge forum and the girls get the field house. But I know that it is all about the money. People would rather pay to see the boys than the girls. I hate that I missed so many of the other girls' games. I really wish that I had gone to more. Anyway, after the game, I went back to my room and played around on the internet. I was really looking for a car, but you know, same thing. I was so tired, and I couldn't wait to go to sleep. As soon as my head touch the pillow, I was out.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I know that I am not racist. I am nice to anyone that is nice to me. I also know that I see color and I am very observant of how society views race. I love stereotypes. I mean, I don't like them when they are mean, but I love discussing them. Even if it is a stereotype about my race, I always want to put my opinion in. I don't like it when someone uses a stereotype to make a point. I don't care what race it is, why should anyone take the blame for a select few in their race that does things a certain way. Obviously talking about the stereotype does not make them stop because they continue to do it. Really, most stereotypes are true. Race is an issue that I can talk about for long periods of time. My friends hate it whenever anyone says anything that may even sound a little racist about anyone because they know that I am going to speak my mind. I enjoy when diversity can be funny. I once took an Advanced Placement class at school and I loved my class. Including myself, there were four students. It started off being more, but the other four people left. The last four of us were all a different race. There was a boy from Saudi Arabia, a boy from Vietnam, and another boy from Pakistan. We laughed everyday at each other because we made jokes about our races and their infamous stereotypes. I didn't mind because we were just kidding.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Wonder.......

I wonder sometimes, how do you know when you are the happiest you can be? I know how it feels to be happy, but I wonder if the happiness is supposed to go away. Every time that I am happy, it is only temporary. Something or someone can make me really happy, but then, it just goes away. Is it possible to be permanently happy? It probably isn't because I don't there think there is any emotion that is permanent. I mean if I could be permanently happy, then I could also be permanently sad. So now it doesn't make sense. You can't feel permanent opposites. So I guess that I have just answered my own question. May be I owe it to the blog. (lol) I guess these things are useful. I still wonder if I could be happier with my boyfriend. I mean, how can anyone know that there is someone in the world that can make you happier than the person you think is doing the job? Actually, if you have to ask yourself that, maybe you know that you can be happier because if you were your happiest, you wouldn't think of being any happier. Right?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This Spring Break....

Usually when there is a break coming up in the school year, I look forward to sleeping. It may sound extremely fun to everyone, yes I know. But it is the truth. I look forward to do doing nothing but sleeping. This break will be different. This time I think that I will actually try to be active and friendly to others. My friends are coming from their schools, so maybe I will be nice to them this break. I get so used to them not being around then when they get here, I forget all about them. They would hate me if they knew that, ha-ha. This spring break I'm going to try not to be cheap. I have been cutting ends so tough lately because I have been trying to save my money. It's been working so I have gotten used to not spending any money. Sometimes I get too nice and pay when my boyfriend and I go out to eat. And sometimes I have to spend my money on things that I need like toothpaste, soap, or magazine subscriptions for class. (lol) I'm going to live a little during this spring break, when we go out to eat; I'm even going to order dessert!

Friday, February 22, 2008


Lately, I have begun to realize that I am really responsible. I have always known that I could be responsible, but I didn't think I would be as mature as I am now. Granted, I know that there are several others are the same or maybe MORE responsible that me, but I'm proud of myself. I haven't asked my mother for anything lately. I feel so good about making and saving my own and being to take care of myself. It really feels good when I know people who call their parents every five seconds to help them. I'm now downing anyone who has to depend on their parents, because I was once there. Every time that I talk to my mother, she offers to me bring food and other stuff, and I just tell her, "No mom I'm okay." She still doesn't listen though. I don't mind her bringing me stuff, I am glad that I have a parent who cares about me the way that she does. But it still feels nice not to have to ask for anything. I even make tough decisions without her. Most of my friends frantically call their parents for any little question that they have to answer. It may sound childish that I admit how I feel about my maturity, but I don't care!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Minimum Wage Increase!

I was researching my topic and I discovered that the federal government has already made future plans to raise the minimum wage again. How exciting? I found this really nice chart that has the Federal Minimum wage history on it. It begins with October 24, 1938 and the wage was $0.25 an hour! Wow, I can not grasp making any less that I do now, but to reduce it all the way to a quarter for an entire hour of labor? Nope, can't do it. Over the years, it shows the gradual increases. It increases five cents and then ten cents and then...a whopping thirty five cents increase! Ha-ha, but now the minimum wage is $5.85. So it’s good to know that some of us are actually farther away from minimum wage than we thought. On July 24, 2008, the wage rate is supposed to increase to $6.55 and after that, it will increase again on July 24, 2009 to $7.25. That should be very interesting for our economy. Not only that, but the jobs that pay less than that will have to go through the changes of paying more money. If you ask me, some of these jobs do not pay enough for all of the work that they want done.

I Just Hate It!!

It's still hard for me to believe that I am in college. I think there are only a select few who can understand my deep hatred for school. Feeling the way that I do, adds to my amazement that I have made it this far. I began to hate school in the tenth grade. I don't know what triggered it, but something just changed in me all of a sudden. Before this change, I was a huge nerd. I loved school. I always tried to be an over achiever. I never missed days in school, not because my mother forced me to go, but because I loved to go. Don't get confused, I still don't miss days. I've only missed one class this semester, and my record is clean from last semester. I still go to class and I do my work, heck, sometimes I even study. I only do it because I feel like I have to. I honestly have this feeling that I have to be in school and I have to do well. I just hate it so much. I know some may say, "Hate is a strong word and you shouldn't use it with some things" but I know that I hate school. If I hit the lottery, you can bet your socks that I'm out of here. Well, maybe not. I might still stay in school just because of that feeling that says that it's the right thing.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Stupid Feelings

Last week feels like a blur to me. I was so out of it. I don't know what happened to me to make me feel the way that I did. It was my birthday week and everything but I just felt weird. I feel like my week was very unhappy. I'm hoping that this week will get better for me some kind of way. I sort of have an idea of what it is that is making me so unhappy, but it is such a big part of my life and I don't want to blame it for my unhappiness. I think that letting it go, may actually cause me more unhappiness, but then again it may not. I don't know. There is such much connected to this thing, and as you can see, I am not telling you what it is on purpose. Now that I think about it, I don't even know how to let this thing go. I wouldn't even know how to begin. My explanation for letting it go has no solid reasoning except I'm not happy and I just have a feeling that it is the cause of it. I don't want to let something so important to me go just from a bad feeling that I have. I am going to continue to pray about it and see what happens.

Oh Darn

My Friday morning started off pretty bad. I missed my quiz in sociology because I was about ten minutes late. At least I didn't miss the first one and I got a B on my test, so I should be okay. I just have to make sure that I don't miss another quiz. I really need to start reading more for my classes as well. It sounds so easy to say that I am going to read more outside of class, but it is such a drag to do so. Since I hate school much, it's hard making me "go the extra mile". It’s not like I’m too busy to do some extra reading, I just don’t like it. Even if I know that I can just guess my way through I still could have a good chance of passing. Trust me; I am not going to do that! Maybe school isn't for me. Ugh, I hate this mood that I'm in. I feel so icky. Once again, I’m going to hate myself for writing this stuff next week. I guess that it is best to get it out instead of holding everything in. Guess, I will just have to wait and see.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Maybe he forgot?

My Valentine's Day was okay. My boyfriend took off work and we spent some time together. It was nice because I usually don't get to see him until the weekend so some time a little earlier was right up my alley. It's funny, but I was thinking when my brothers texted me their belated birthday wishes, my father has not even told me happy birthday. I told one of my brothers that our dad had not called, and he said he would call him and tell him. But the truth is I don't even want him to call me now. I feel like it is too late now. I do not thing any real parent would forget their child's birthday. On the other hand, he has called me every year until now, so maybe I shouldn't be so harsh. He lives in Texas, so it’s not I ever get to see him on my birthday, so the least he can do is call. Something inside of me is saying that he did not call on purpose. Maybe he was trying to make a point or something. He is always saying that I do not call him, but I call him more than he calls me. Not to mention the fact that I called him this year for his birthday. Oh well, what's done is done.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's my Birthday, and I'm ready for a Nap

It was a drag to wake up and see my birthday began with a thunderstorm. I was still determined to have a great though. My boyfriend called this morning and told me happy birthday when he got off work. He works at Fed Ex in south Memphis. He tells me that he is going to leave work and take me to my first class that starts at eight, so that I won't have to walk to it in the rain. I did not believe him. He called twenty minutes later and told me he was outside. I was surprised. After he dropped me off, he had to go back to south Memphis to take a test for his job at eight. I really can not believe he did that. I still had to walk the rest of the day to my other classes in the rain, but that one class was in Ball Hall which is on the opposite side of campus from Richardson Towers, my dorm. The rest of the day was usual class. It was the usual struggle of trying to stay awake in each of them, EXCEPT ENGLISH. So far, it’s a normal day, and I’m ready for a nap.
Asnanti Jones
Let’s Not Get Out the Vote
Robert Coulson

As I read the title of the essay, I guessed that it will be another essay about getting out voting and making and changes. I thought it would be another motivational argument about taking advantage of the opportunity that my ancestors fought for to grant me the honor of casting my vote to affect politics. When I began reading the essay, I was instantly shocked. I have never read any kind of literature that was against voting except from a religious standpoint. The tone immediately made me think the essay was written by a male.
I was extremely captivated by what the author had to say when the author says,” Non-voters are often more intelligent, more fair-minded, and just as loyal as voters. The right not to vote is as basic as the right to. If voting is made a duty, it ceases to be a privilege.” For someone to openly say that non-voters are more anything than voters is a very bold statement. I have never heard anyone say that. Usually, when someone speaks of voting, they are saying that you should definitely vote and if choose not to, you are making a very big mistake by not allowing your opinions to affect the actions of the government.
I think the audience of this piece would be American citizens. At first, I would say that it is directed to non-voters. It appears, by the title; Let’s not Get Out the Vote that the writer is immediately taking the side of those who do not vote, and possibly admitting that he does not vote. As I read further, I changed my opinion. The writer is speaking to all Americans. He is saying that Americans are known for there ability to vote and choose who we want to run our country. Since we do have this ability, we are expected to vote. Every American does not have a reason to not pick the candidate that will run our country and enhance the country enough to force us into prosperity. Yet, he is saying that non-voters are often choosing the right thing to do if they are not sure who to vote for or if non-voters would just rather those who are more political savvy to make to make the right decisions. He even mentions how some voters have a tendency to allow their decisions to be persuaded by other’s opinions. If people make decisions based on these other issues, their vote will ultimately take the government into the wrong decision.
This is an essay that I can truly say will always stick in my mind. Voting has always been such a detrimental topic for not only Americans, but for people all across the world. We often scold the countries who do have a democracy. We disagree with having a leader being forced among others. However, Robert E. Coulson has allowed himself to stand up and speak when everyone else had decided to sit quietly. He is giving the non-voters a voice that they are afraid to use. For those who do not vote, that tells us that they are not focused on speaking their minds and making changes. By Coulson coming out for them is such a smart move. I admire his voice to represent those who are not willing to express themselves. Even if he was a voter, I think it is awe-inspiring to stand up for those who do not.
I was surprised to know that the article was written in 1955. I have always had this idea in my mind that around 1955 people were maniac voters. I imagine that everyone was motivated and excited to cast their votes. I thought every parent was anxious to register their child when they were of age to vote. Apparently, not everyone in the fifties was the way that I thought about voting.
Let’s Not Get Out The Vote will always be an essay to influence many of my future opinions about politics. I hope to see further literature about the other opinion. Not just about voting, but any issue that is usual ruled by the majority. It will be interesting to see the other opinions of the minorities.

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Test Grade

I finally got to Sociology and there is good news and there is the bad news. (Love that cliché) I will start with the bad news and then the good so the bad won't seem so bad. The bad news is that I did not make an A on my test. I know sad face. The good news is I saved hundreds of dollars by switching my car insurance. Just playing, but really, I made an 86. It was just a few points from an A. I missed 7 out of 50 which isn't bad. At least I know that I am capable of passing the test, and if I made a B on the first one, maybe the tests to follow will be better since I know what to expect. It is weird, but I am sort of looking forward to the next test just so that I can study and make an A next time. I can not believe how positive I am school right now. I actually dislike school very much. I have an Anthropology exam coming up on Thursday. I’m glad that he moved it from Tuesday, my birthday, to Thursday. It is still a drag to take an Exam on Valentine’s Day though. We’ll see how that one goes.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Somone's Birthday is Coming!!!!! MINE!!!!!!!!!

Sooooo, my birthday will be here on the twelfth, which is Tuesday. I'm really exciting for it. Not because I'm turning 19, but it's a day for me!! It’s weird but I feel like everyone should know it's my birthday. Not just my friends, but the whole world. Haha, I know that when I look back on this blog after my birthday, I am going to feel kooky, but oh well! Some people say that they don't feel different on their birthday, but I do. I love my birthday! It's a time when something I have known for an entire year changes. For a year, I have gotten use to saying that I'm 18, but now, I have to program my mind to saying 19. Then if someone asks and 18 slips out and I try to change it to 19, they'll probably assume that I am lying. As long as I know the truth, I don't care what any one else will think. I’m really excited for my birthday and I’m anxious to see what my boyfriend will do this year. He has double the duty since my birthday is two days before Valentine’s Day. That reminds me that I have to get him something, darn.

Test Over!!!

Yesterday, I did eventually begin to study for my sociology test. I started a little when I was at work, then I went to my dorm and ate, chilled with my friends. Then I hit the books, well the book and my notes. I had 8 pages of notes, front and back to study. I did not think that I would actually study all of those notes. Usually I glance over it, and hope for the best, but since my new slogan is striving for As, I was determined. My room mate had a calculus test to study for as well, so we teamed up and I'm glad we did. I couldn't help her with calculus because I barely passed College Algebra. She sure did help me to study. We both agreed that by having a test at the same time helped us to focus on studying. She started studying at 7 and I starting at 7:30 we both called it quits at 11:30. Wow! I'm so proud of us. My test went well. I was nervous so I didn’t eat breakfast and I woke up 2 hours early. There were a handful of things that I did not know, but it was 50 questions so let's hope I got an A!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Just Rambling.....I don't Know

I woke up very happy this morning. My room mate said that it was because last night I found out that my 8:00 class was canceled. She could be right. I don't know what it was, but I just felt well rested and happy. It was a really good feeling. Maybe that means I should try to get more rest so that I can be happy more often. It's hard to get enough sleep, at least for me. I rarely get enough rest to the point where I'm well rested but not feel drowsy because I got too much sleep. When I sleep more than 8 hours, I feel like I think I would if I had a hang over. I've never had one because I don't drink, but I think that's what it would feel like. My classes went by fairly fast, and I stayed awake in all of them. I always do, but some days it's a struggle. The class rooms often have a comfortable temperature; the teacher uses the same tone for an hour and thirty mins. and the same person answers every question. How can you not get a little drowsy? I have a Sociology test tomorrow and I keep telling myself that I need to study and I need to make an A on it, but I keep doing everything else but look at that review sheet. It's like all of a sudden, I have so much to do that I just can't study, like write blogs!!! Okay, I'm going to study now....after I leave some comments, then I am, really.

Super Stormy Tuesday

Tuesday was a mess. I actually do not know any other way to describe Tuesday than a mess. Once I received my trusty, lovely, dependable tiger text (if you haven't signed up for tiger text u should) I knew the remainder of my day would full of adventure. About 20 minutes after I received the text about the campus closing at 2:30, my job called and told me not to come. Half of me was mad because I was missing my money, but the other half was elated to know I could finally eat and relax. Once I got to my room, I decided it was time for a nap, siren or no siren blaring through the window. It was a friend of mind that called and came to my room that woke me up from my beauty rest. I was mad, but I had to check the news. I have no problems with Memphis wanting us to be safe and warning of us of every raindrop, but I hate what it does to most Memphians. They panic. There were angry people and crying people all over my dorm and I did not understand why. How did they think acting like that would help the situation? I had to be calm and make my friends laugh a little so they would not be scared and focus on the tornadoes, but I was still cautious by having the news on the entire time. My dorm, Richardson Towers, had people going into the basement, but then that began to flood. So they sent people back up stairs. Then the flood triggered the fire alarms, so we had to go to the Pan-Hellenic Building. While we were there, a group of people helped the situation by starting the music. It was actually funny. In the middle of a storm, we're having fun. That's my type of atmosphere. I don't like people being scared and sad. What is meant to happen will, why fear it? We finally returned to our dorms. I decided to take a shower and the sirens went off again and my room mate told me we needed to get in the hall way. Instead, I decide to stay in the room and watch the news. How smart is it for everyone to be in the hall way? Who is watching the professionals to see IF we are even in danger? I knew that if the news or the weather outside indicated any form of danger for me and others, I would take cover, but I want to be sure.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I Could See Why Hilary Stayed....

I was recently watching the Tyra show, and I saw Hilary Clinton was on there. I have been trying to listen to what the different politicians have to say since I am 18 and finally able to vote. I usually don't care about politics at all because I never thought that anything that I had to say would affect the direction that the government chooses to take our country. My mother's religion also goes against voting and getting involved in politics, but since I am grown and able to make my own decisions, I have been trying to get into it. Anyway, Hilary Clinton was on there and Tyra asked her a relationship questions. I must admit that as soon as she began to talk, I didn't care to hear what she had to say. I 'm thinking, "Your husband cheated on you, in the White House, and you stayed with him, after the entire country continues to make your situation a mockery." I did not want to hear a thing that the she had to say. After I thought about it and truly put myself in her situation, I would have stayed with him to. People make mistakes and they were not just boyfriend and girlfriend, but they had been married for a long period of time, I think. With the whole country constantly in their lives, it would have looked really bad for her to leave him anyway. If they made it as far as they did, why leave now?

Friday, February 1, 2008

To Kill or Not to Kill- Couldn't get Enough

My last blog captivated me so much, that I have decided that I am not done. Pro-choice; yay or nay, when it comes to abortion? As I have stated, people who are totally capable of raising a child should not be able to abort. What about those who may actually have acceptable reasons for abortion. Raising the child of a rapist certainly does not sound pleasing to the ear, especially if you the victim of the rapist. Since the child is inside of you, it means the child is a part of you as well. You could still love the child and provide for them and make her/him into a well adult. There is that chance that the parents will see the child as only a product of a crime witch would force the parents to treat them unjustly. What if the parents have another child? The parents would probably treat the children differently and the results would be the child of rape dealing with these feelings of neglect which could lead to a host of social problems. Also, I recently read about a woman and man who had the decision given to them by the doctor of aborting their child because it would live a short life full of pain due to health issues. They opted to abort but still keep the child's memory alive. Another case of what to do. Since there are certain circumstances that force us to make these hard decisions, I have a solution. Abortion should not be allowed for people who are able to raise children. Abortion should not be used as a tool to grant more chances. Only people who would be presenting children possible harm should be allowed to abort.

To Kill or Not to Kill??

I have always been unsure of the right decision when it comes to pro-choice. Abortion can be such a hard choice to argue. I absolutely do not argue with women who call it a mistake and decide to have an abortion. For a person to just decide they do not want the responsibility to take care and be responsible for another person is selfish. You should know the risks that you are taking every time you have sex. Regardless if the sex is between you and your husband or a casual fling you have decided to engage in. Whether you are on birth control or if you are certain that your brand of condom will never break. You are still releasing yourself to a very wide load of risks. So for a person to decide: "OPPS!” “Didn't mean for that to happen" and just erase it like it never occurred is wrong. But I must admit that there are those other situations that when we learn about them, you thank God it's not a decision we had to make. A situation such as a rape victim who had unprotected sex forced upon them. WOW! What do you do with this one? Some looser decides he doesn't care about life and robs you of your decision to make several choices and you end up with a child of a rapist. Do you kill it, or do you take the risk of raising a stranger’s child. Or if the rapist is not a stranger, do you raise the child knowing that is the product of an acquaintance and the child is a constant reminder?