Friday, April 18, 2008

The Last Blog?

The only negative thing the last day of class being next week, is that my teachers have decided to make a lot of work due next week. So between now and Wednesday, I have to put in time to get my work done. It's really not that much. It's just taking the time out to get it done that seems to be the challenging part. It's okay though, I know that I am going to get everything done and make sure that I do everything well like always. Right now, my motivation is knowing that it's the end and I only have a few more days and I am completely done with school...until next semester anyway.

My schedule for next semester is so weird. I'm actually going to take a 5:30 class! After that I have a lab at freaking 7:10 at night! I do not know how this is going to turn out, but I am PATIENTLY waiting for next semester. I am not anxious or anything. The summer can go as slow as it pleases with no complaints from me. I just realized that this is my last blog. Sad Face, lol, who knows maybe I will feel the need for blogging in the future.....


Sarah said...

I feel the same way. In every class I have stuff due and on top of that I will have exams in most of them. It is going to be a hectic last week, but I am doing the same as you and just reminding myself I only have one more week. It will be tough but we can get through it.

Kelvin Oliver said...

5:30 class? Have fun with that. Yup. Last blog. Let the good times begin.. well after finals! WOOT

Don said...

congrats on handling your business, concerning education.