Friday, April 11, 2008

Let's Wrap it Up!! (He-He)

Another week down for this semester and it has ended beautifully. After the storm and roughness of yesterday, we conclude this week with warm sun rays and cool breezes. I should write poetry or something, lol. Seriously though, the weather should be like this more often. Not too much because we won't appreciate it anymore if it becomes all that we know. I hope the weather is going to be nice for the weekend but I heard that it is supposed to be cold. I don't want it to be because I like to be out and about getting my car wash wearing clothes that make my mother frown. She is always talking about the way that I dress, but if that is the only really negative thing she has to say about me, I think that she will be okay. It could be a lot worse! Regardless of how the weather looks, I still have to attend my brother's wedding which should be very interesting. My family is so.....funny. I can't wait to see everyone. I haven't been with my whole family at once since my graduation from high school, so I know that they will ask me over, and over, and over again, "How is college?" How is everything going?" "Are you still with that guy that we met at your graduation party?" All of the questions are okay, except the last one. I hate having to tell everyone that we are not together anymore because it was a year and a half and it's hard explaining to people why I broke up with him. I have so many reasons that I don't want to tell everyone every single thing. So I just have to keep it at, "He just didn't make me happy anymore and I knew that I would better without him." This statement is hella true, but since I know that there was so much more to it, I want so badly to tell people everything. As long as I stick to my line, I will be just great. That's enough, HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!


Unknown said...

I know what you mean! it is so nice out! I have already broken out the flip flops and once I start wearing those, there is no going back!

It is really cool that you get to see all of your family, even if it is not that often. All of my aunts and uncles ( I have A LOT) live in California so I do not get to see them often.

emilyanne said...

I can not agree more. I only have about 11 days of classes left and I just can't wait for them to be over. I have so much on my plate right now. I love being in college because we have a 4 month break instead of 2!!